Make 2024 the Year You Rediscover

Friends of Wollaston Beach

With the help of our community partners and volunteers, the 2024 Season is off to a great start! We love our beach and it’s clear you do too! We have lots of activities for kids of all ages (See Coming Attractions tab) and look forward to seeing you there!

To hep FWB plan for this and future seasons, please SHARE your thoughts by completing our Survey []

We started the year off with two fabulous organized Spring Cleanups!

ParkServe Day – Despite torrential downpours, 65 adults and 3 children blanketed the beach filling bags of trash. We found lots of unusual debris, including very large pieces of timber (missing your dock anybody??) and a huge tire. Kudos to the amazing cadets from the North Quincy High School Jr. ROTC, and their leader, M.Sgt. John Delorenzo, who managed to move the heavy items off the beach. This year we welcomed  many new volunteers, including members of the HR Department of the Revere Hotel in Boston who came from near and far to join us. And an especial thanks to the children and their parents who shared a lesson that we are never too young (or too old) to be good stewards of this wonderful resource. We are grateful.

Cleaner/Greener - A total of 43 volunteers came out to Caddy Park (across from the Beach) on a nice spring day, including a group from Stop & Shop, Southern Artery. Once again, the North Quincy High School Jr. ROTC were key to the success of this event which is part of the citywide cleanup day. And we were happy to see both new and veteran crews from the neighborhood going straight to work cleaning up the area.

If you aren’t able to make an organized cleanup, we encourage you to grab a bag and pick up trash any time so we can continue to protect our wildlife and humans!

Thank you to all the amazing volunteers — young and old — who helped to make our Spring cleanups so successful!