Wollaston Beach Clean Up Days
COASTSWEEP Massachusetts was formed in 1987. COASTSWEEP participants join hundreds of
thousands of other volunteers in the world’s largest volunteer effort for the ocean — Ocean
Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup — collecting trash, fishing line and other marine debris,
and recording data on what they find. This data is used to find solutions for keeping trash out of the
Park Serve Day gives Massachusetts residents the chance to help clean and prepare state parks and beaches for the summer recreation season. Thousands of volunteers spruce up as many as 30 parks each spring.
The Cleaner, Greener In Quincy event draws nearly for more than 1,500 volunteers each year to do clean up some more than 25 public areas recommended by the residents, persons with disabilities and the community members of Quincy. The Citywide clean up efforts are following: beaches, marshes, parks, playgrounds and school yards around in the community here in the City of Quincy.

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